564 2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our environmental responsibility: accelerating the ecological and energy transition
GEFF(1) programme in Morocco with the EBRD(2)
In Morocco, the subsidiary BMCI has signed a partnership agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) Morocco programme. BMCI will thus be involved in supporting the scheme s green projects dedicated to energy efficiency, renewable energies, management of resources such as water, and waste management. In this context, BMCI has been given a EUR 20 million loan to support private investment by companies with a positive environmental impact.
Agreement with the European Investment Bank in Poland
In Poland, BNP Paribas Bank Polska has signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and is receiving funding under the European Union s ELENA programme to support thermal renovation in multi-occupancy buildings.
(1) Green Economy Financing Facility.
(2) European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
GREEN COMPANY FOR EMPLOYEES (GC4E): A GLOBAL EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT Since 2018, the Green Company for Employees (GC4E) programme has accelerated the reduction of all direct environmental impacts of BNP Paribas with the participation of all employees. Two priority actions were launched in 2019, with the publication of two dedicated policies: one concerning the campaign to abolish petrochimical sourced single-used plastics, the other the promotion of sustainable mobility. In France, for example, the Group removed single-use plastic items from supply catalogues in 2019. Disposable and plastic beverage and catering containers and accessories have already been removed from company cafeterias and restaurants in many cities and countries, e.g. France, Hong Kong, Brazil, London and New York. The Group s range of promotional merchandise is also being overhauled to eliminate single-use plastic.
In addition, BNP Paribas took part in the World Cleanup Day for the first time in 2019, with several hundred of its employees worldwide collecting waste in Asia, America, Africa and Europe.
From a mobility point of view, BNP Paribas is gradually rolling out electric charging capabilities at its sites, particularly in France, the UK and the United States of America. Where appropriate, it is also obtaining licenses locally for carpooling schemes, to complement the global service sharing site for employees developed by HR. Lastly, a Green Friday was held in France to give employees cheap access to green cars and bikes and thus encourage sustainable mobility.
ONGOING EFFORTS TO SAVE ENERGY AND IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN OUR OPERATIONS Each year, the Group redoubles its efforts to reduce the environmental footprint associated with its operations. Specific targets have been introduced and are regularly increased to cut energy, paper and water consumption and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and waste, while improving recycling wherever possible.
Detailed environmental reporting
The monitoring of these targets and management of the associated actions is ensured via environmental reporting. This comprises around 40 indicators and covers the 20 countries where the Group has the largest number of employees and therefore the greatest environmental impact. These represent 90% of full-time equivalent (FTE) personnel managed by the Group as of 31 December 2019. The results are extrapolated across the entire Group and are used to calculate the environmental data reported in this section. In 2019, 67 entities received quantified data from Group CSR function on their consumption and targets compared with those of the Group as a whole, following data collected during the previous environmental campaign. This guidance tool enables each entity to make improvements so as to achieve the objectives of the environmental performance indicators.