548 2019 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
Work-related accidents
About 1,300 work-related or travel accidents (including 3 fatalities) were reported in 35 countries in 2019.
The frequency rate is 2.4% and the severity rate is 0.05%(1).
Social benefits relating to protection benefits
In addition to the legal and agreement-based provisions, according to the regulations and practices of the countries in which the Group operates, employees can benefit from complementary social security insurance covering their health costs and those of their families. The Global agreement states that, by the end of 2020, all BNP Paribas Group employees will have death and disability insurance regardless of cause, except as provided in the policy. In accordance with its regulatory environment, each business/country determines what coverage is provided, the specific applicability conditions and the terms of financing. These provisions must be in place by the expiry date of the Global agreement (on 1 June 2021) with the goal of bringing the deployment of these measures forward to 31 December 2020.
In France, the Group offers a mandatory mutualised health plan to employees and a protection insurance system that allows employees to adjust their level of protection according to their personal situation.
It also offers flexible employee benefits, enabling employees to select, to a certain extent, their level of coverage from a range of benefits offered aiming at long-term employability and offering sustainable choices. These benefits are available at BNL in Italy, at BNP Paribas Fortis in Belgium and in the United Kingdom.
Harassment and violence at work
The update to the Code of conduct in 2016 strengthens the Group s commitment to combatting harassment, including sexual harassment. The Human Resources Department also introduced an internal procedure in 2018 on how to deal with reports of harassment. Under the Global agreement, this will be implemented in all Group entities, together with measures to support victims. In 2018, 53 sanctions were imposed for sexual or psychological harassment, sexist behaviour or violence at work (17 dismissals, 3 demotions, 1 temporary suspension, 7 official reprimands and 25 warnings). In the first half of 2019, 36 sanctions were imposed for these reasons (11 dismissals, 2 temporary suspensions, 10 official reprimands and 13 warnings).
(1) The frequency rate corresponds to the number of accidents per 1 million hours worked and the severity rate corresponds to the number of days lost per 1,000 hours.
The desire to create an environment that is conducive to employees development also depends on the Group s ability to create, for each of them, a variety of opportunities for professional growth. This is central to BNP Paribas employment practices.
The 2019 objective for commitment 6: the percentage of employees reporting that they completed two training courses over the past 12 months is set at 90%. This percentage is overcome with a result of 94.8% in 2019.
Update on the Leaders for Tomorrow Talents programme
As part of its transformation process, by the end of 2015 the Group launched the Leaders for Tomorrow initiative, aimed at identifying, developing and promoting high potential employees in order to ensure succession planning for the Group s cross-functional Executive Committees for businesses, functions and regions (Top 500 LfC).
These Leadership Talents have been identified by their managers and HR supervisors at the business lines/functions on the basis of leadership profiles or of their skills, experience, motivations and personal preferences, which are key elements for a successful transformation.
By the end of 2019, nearly 6,600 Leadership Talents belonging to three different levels (Emerging, Advanced or Top) had been identified. They will benefit from specific support and development mechanisms at business, country and corporate level.
In the past year, more than 1,930 "Leadership Talents" of around 40 nationalities from all the business lines/functions participated in Corporate events (mentoring, skills sponsorship, seminars, Personal Development Plan training sessions and online training sessions such as Spark and Navigating Digital), in addition to initiatives offered locally or by their business line or function.