2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS664
2) What are the key financial information about the issuer?
In millions of euros Year
31/12/2020 Year-1
31/12/2019 Year-2
Net interest income 21,312 21,127 21,062
Net fee and commission income 9,862 9,365 9,207
Net gain on financial instruments 7,146 7,464 6,118
Revenues 44,275 44,597 42,516
Cost of Risk (5,717) (3,203) (2,764)
Operating income 8,364 10,057 9,169
Net income attributable to equity holders 7,067 8,173 7,526
Earnings per share (in euros) 5,31 6.21 5.73
In millions of euros Year
31/12/2020 Year -1
31/12/2019 Year-2
Total assets 2,488,491 2,164,713 2,040,836
Debt securities 212,351 221,336 206,359
Of which mid long term Senior Preferred 82,086(*) 88,466(*) 88,381(*)
Subordinated debt 23,325 20,896 18,414
Loans and receivables from customers (net) 809,533 805,777 765,871
Deposits from customers 940,991 834,667 796,548
Shareholders equity (Group share) 112,799 107,453 101,467
Doubtful loans/ gross outstandings(**) 2.1% 2.2% 2.6%
Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) ratio 12.8% 12.1% 11.8%
Total Capital Ratio 16.4% 15.5% 15.0%
Leverage Ratio(***) 4.9% 4.6% 4.5%
(*) Regulatory scope. (**) Impaired loans (stage 3) to customers and credit institutions, not netted of guarantees, including on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet and debt
securities measured at amortized costs or at fair value through shareholders equity reported on gross outstanding loans to customers and credit institutions, on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet and including debt securities measured at amortized costs or at fair value through shareholders equity (excluding insurance).
(***) Taking into account the temporary exemption related to deposits with Eurosytem central banks (calculated in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 2020/873, Article 500b). It amounts to 4.4% as at 31.12.20 excluding this effect.
A brief description of any qualifications in the audit report relating to the historical financial information: N/A