2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS592
a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas Our civic responsibility: being a positive agent for change
Due diligence and dialogue In the event of suspected or identified serious abuses of human rights by a BNP Paribas customer or a company in its portfolio, the Group conducts in-depth due diligences and discusses the matter with the company concerned (see Systematic integration and management of Environmental, Social and Governance risks, Commitment 3).
For example, in 2019 and 2020, the Group conducted an in-depth analysis of a mining client in South America. Water abstraction in an area with high water stress and the risks related to the safety of a dam located in
a seismic zone of one of their mines raised questions in terms of impacts on the local population. BNP Paribas discussed with the company the expansion of this mine and its environmental and social impacts (E&S) and reminded its client of the importance of human rights issues and responsible management of its operations. Although discussions continue between the company and BNP Paribas, the Group has already refused to finance this project and will subject any long-term financing request from this company to an in-depth E&S analysis.
The Group is developing a structured corporate philanthropy policy that is both global and local. The BNP Paribas Foundation coordinates this commitment around three areas of application: solidarity, the arts and the environment (see Advance awareness and sharing of best environmental practices, Commitment 12).
In 2020, BNP Paribas philanthropic budget represented EUR 104.11 million, an increase of more than 60% over the 2019 budget of EUR 64.53 million (including the support of EUR 20 million for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral). This exceptional increase is due to the commitment of all BNP Paribas entities around the world since the start of the international health crisis. Around these three action areas, the breakdown of the total budget of EUR 104.11 million breaks down as follows:
■ 88% for solidarity;
■ 7% for the arts;
■ 5% for the environment.
SOLIDARITY The extent and diversity of BNP Paribas commitments are reflected in the broad range of initiatives to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and employee commitment.
Promoting social inclusion
Support the integration of refugees In 2020, BNP Paribas contributed EUR 1.5 million as part of its refugee integration support plan. Launched in 2015, this programme is now active in ten European countries. In total, 21,862 people benefited, more particularly through professional integration and language learning initiatives led by numerous associations.
Supporting major players helping vulnerable populations The Women s Foundation combating violence against women and mobilising to promote gender equality. It acts in three areas: access
to housing, distributing essential goods and providing work tools for associations. In 2020, the BNP Paribas Foundation contributed EUR 400,000 to the Women s Foundation projects. This budget allowed support for the initiatives set up by the associations Woman Safe, Résonantes and Agir pour la santé des femmes.
In 2020, the BNP Paribas Foundation actively contributed to the global aid plan put in place by BNP Paribas following the health crisis. In April, it supported the actions of some fifteen associations and foundations (including the Institut Pasteur, the French Red Cross and the Secours Populaire), thanks to a philanthropic budget of over EUR 3 million. At the end of the year, this scheme was supplemented by additional aid of EUR 2 million, to support 14 associations whose actions focused on food aid and health in France.
Fostering equal opportunities
Many partnerships are in place to assist future generations and provide educational support to the most disadvantaged young people.
Dream Up: education through art Following its initial success, the Dream Up programme was renewed for the period 2018-2020, with a dedicated budget of EUR 1.8 million. In 2020, 25,000 children were able to benefit from this scheme thanks to the action of 30 associations.
International community initiatives In 2020, a wide range of initiatives promoting a decent education either started up or operated on a worldwide basis. For example, since 2018, the BNP Paribas Foundation has been supporting the NGO, Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative, which enables young women and men from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Cape Town to take on the role of ambassadors for peace and entrepreneurs in their community. In 2020, 42 students graduated after one year of training.