2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS 181
4Consolidated finanCial statements for the year ended 31 deCemBer 2020
Notes to the financial statements
Financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities are recognised under option in this category in the two following situations:
■ for hybrid financial instruments containing one or more embedded derivatives which otherwise would have been separated and accounted for separately. An embedded derivative is such that its economic characteristics and risks are not closely related to those of the host contract;
■ when using the option enables the entity to eliminate or significantly reduce a mismatch in the measurement and accounting treatment of assets and liabilities that would otherwise arise if they were to be classified in separate categories.
Changes in fair value due to the own credit risk are recognised under a specific heading of shareholders equity.
1.e.8 Financial liabilities and equity instruments
A financial instrument issued or its various components are classified as a financial liability or equity instrument, in accordance with the economic substance of the legal contract.
Financial instruments issued by the Group are qualified as debt instruments if the entity in the Group issuing the instruments has a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to the holder of the instrument. The same applies if the Group is required to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the Group, or to deliver a variable number of the Group s own equity instruments.
Equity instruments result from contracts evidencing a residual interest in an entity s assets after deducting all of its liabilities.
Debt securities and subordinated debt Debt securities and subordinated debt are measured at amortised cost unless they are recognised at fair value through profit or loss.
Debt securities are initially recognised at the issue value including transaction costs and are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
Bonds redeemable or convertible into own equity are hybrid instruments that may contain a debt component and an equity component, determined upon initial recognition of the transaction.
Equity instruments The term own equity instruments refers to shares issued by the parent company (BNP Paribas SA) and by its fully consolidated subsidiaries. External costs that are directly attributable to an issue of new shares are deducted from equity net of all related taxes.
Own equity instruments held by the Group, also known as treasury shares, are deducted from consolidated shareholders equity irrespective of the purpose for which they are held. Gains and losses arising on such instruments are eliminated from the consolidated profit and loss account.
When the Group acquires equity instruments issued by subsidiaries under the exclusive control of BNP Paribas, the difference between the acquisition price and the share of net assets acquired is recorded in retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders. Similarly, the liability corresponding to put options granted to minority shareholders in such subsidiaries, and changes in the value of that liability, are offset against minority interests, with any surplus offset against retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders. Until these options have been exercised, the portion of net income attributable to minority interests is allocated to minority interests in the profit and loss account. A decrease in the Group s interest in a fully consolidated subsidiary is recognised in the Group s accounts as a change in shareholders equity.
Financial instruments issued by the Group and classified as equity instruments (e.g. Undated Super Subordinated Notes) are presented in the balance sheet in Capital and retained earnings .
Distributions from a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument are recognised directly as a deduction from equity. Similarly, the transaction costs of an instrument classified as equity are recognised as a deduction from shareholders equity.
Own equity instrument derivatives are treated as follows, depending on the method of settlement:
■ as equity instruments if they are settled by physical delivery of a fixed number of own equity instruments for a fixed amount of cash or other financial asset. Such instruments are not revalued;
■ as derivatives if they are settled in cash or by choice by physical delivery of the shares or in cash. Changes in value of such instruments are taken to the profit and loss account.
If the contract includes an obligation, whether contingent or not, for the bank to repurchase its own shares, the bank recognises the debt at its present value with an offsetting entry in shareholders equity.
1.e.9 Hedge accounting
The Group retained the option provided by the standard to maintain the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39 until the future standard on macro-hedging is entered into force. Furthermore, IFRS 9 does not explicitly address the fair value hedge of the interest rate risk on a portfolio of financial assets or liabilities. The provisions in IAS 39 for these portfolio hedges, as adopted by the European Union, continue to apply.
Derivatives contracted as part of a hedging relationship are designated according to the purpose of the hedge.
Fair value hedges are particularly used to hedge interest rate risk on fixed rate assets and liabilities, both for identified financial instruments (securities, debt issues, loans, borrowings) and for portfolios of financial instruments (in particular, demand deposits and fixed rate loans).