2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS570
7 a Committed Bank: information ConCerninG the eConomiC, soCial, CiviC and environmental resPonsiBility of BnP PariBas
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
Promoting the employment and insertion of people with disabilities
Employees with disabilities of which Hires
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
France 2,138 2,210 2,733(2) 76 91 49
Belgium 71 74 61 1 3 0
Italy 859 905 833 11 14 29
Luxembourg 65 8 12 0 0 0
Europe (excluding Domestic Markets) 812 854 906 108 112 83
Rest of the world 159 186 247 55 90 76
TOTAL 4,104 4,237 4,792 251 310 237
(1) Physical headcount taking into account 94% of Group headcount (stable compared to 2019). (2) As the annual statement is exceptionally postponed in this transition year to June 2021, the data communicated for France in 2020 are not finalised.
As at 31 December 2020, there were 4,792 employees with disabilities in 33 countries(1) representing an employment rate of 3.05% compared to the total workforce (up compared to 2019(2)).
In France, BNP Paribas SA s fourth corporate agreement entered into force on 1 January 2020 for a period of 3 years. The 4 major areas have been reaffirmed: job retention, training and awareness-raising, purchases from the sheltered and adapted sector and a target of 165 external recruitments of employees with disabilities over the term of the agreement. Several major advances have also been made, including an extension of the authorisation of paid absence for administrative procedures or medical appointments due to a disability and an extension of these authorisations to employees whose spouse or the child has a disability.
The new regulatory framework, which came into force on 1 January 2020, changes the calculation of the employment rate by including employees on long-term leave. For 2020, the direct employment rate of employees with disabilities will be announced at the end of June 2021. It was 4.64% in 2019 (direct and indirect employment rate).
Due to the pandemic, the Group focused its action on retention of employees with disabilities, whose remote working required many adaptations. In addition, awareness-raising and training were maintained with 39 initiatives.
Diversity of origins: strengthened action plans to address a global societal issue
With 171 nationalities present within the Group, including 10(3) within the G100, BNP Paribas has been working for several years to promote diversity of origins and professional equality.
Eight internal professional networks develop and actively contribute to raising awareness and promoting diversity of origins and cultures, in 7 countries (Brazil, the United States, Canada, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Portugal).
In France, the Group contributes to several major programmes that have a positive impact on professional integration of those who do not always have easy access to employment, such as the Collectif d'Entreprises pour une économie plus inclusive (Collective of companies for a more inclusive economy), the Seine Saint Denis Equality Charter, the Projet Banlieues (Suburbs Project), etc. BNP Paribas has set up an organisation that now enables it, within a structured framework, to use all the available drivers to encourage recruitment more open to diversity within its teams.
In addition, the theme of origins is systematically addressed during Diversity and Inclusion Weeks with numerous events throughout the Group (for example in Asia, Brazil, Germany, France, etc.) and, each year, Black History Month is celebrated in the United States and the United Kingdom.
In 2020, the managers of BNP Paribas USA immediately reacted to the death of George Floyd in the United States by publicly expressing their indignation and by reaffirming the need to combat racism. Internally, numerous support groups have provided and continue to provide support to employees who need it, and awareness-raising actions have been stepped up.
In 2020, CIB United Kingdom signed the Business in the Community Race at Work Charter which includes 5 calls for action with the aim of ensuring the representation of visible minorities at all levels of the company, from recruitment to promotion. The first led to the official appointment of a Sponsor for Race , responsible among other things for contributing to the establishment of an open and benevolent working environment, determining the appropriate actions to achieve the objective and measuring progress.
(1) Each disabled employee is counted as 1 regardless of the calculation rule applied in the country in question.
(2) The increase is due to the change in methodology imposed by French regulation and by the increase in the number of employees voluntarily declaring themselves disabled in several Group entities.
(3) Of which French nationality.