2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS 571
Our social responsibility: developing and engaging our people responsibly
LGBT+: international engagement and reach
During the second edition of the LGBT+ role models and allies at work organised by the L Autre Cercle (Other Circle) in France, with its English counterpart OUTstanding, 80 personalities were appointed as Role models for 2020 . The Group distinguished itself with the appointment of an employee in the LGBT+ Leaders role models category.
BNP Paribas has been very involved in many countries (Italy, Brazil, several countries in the Asia Pacific region, Belgium, the United States, France, Switzerland, etc.) in the world day against homophobia and transphobia on 17 May 2020, via conferences, videos, workshops, etc. In addition, the Pride networks, present in 21 countries, met for the third edition of the Global Pride Conference which was open to all employees this year.
This year, BNP Paribas USA signed the Business Coalition for Equality Act. This network of employers is committed to guaranteeing the same rights and protections for all employees, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Better preventing and fighting all forms of violence more effectively
Since 2018, BNP Paribas is a member of OneInThreeWomen network, a European network of businesses committed to fighting violence against women. In 2020, the Group launched an awareness e-learning on domestic violence and its impact at work. The objective is to help colleagues and managers welcome the testimonies and detect weak signals of this violence, which is a factor of inequality at work and an obstacle to professional equality. Many businesses have carried out awareness-raising actions (BNL, Fortis, Cardif, Leasing Solutions and FRB ).
In 2018, BNP Paribas joined the #StOpE (Stop so-called Ordinary sexism in the workplace) initiative by signing an undertaking comprising eight principles. The fight against sexism is the subject of numerous initiatives within the Group: educational video on ordinary sexism distributed to all employees, e-learning and the Meandyoutoo web app at Personal Finance for managers.
360° parenting and work-life balance
Because a good work-life balance is one component of professional equality, the Group institutes many actions centred around 360° parenting.
In France, for the 8th consecutive year, BNP Paribas dedicated a week to parenthood, entirely digital, live and in replay. The difficulties encountered by many parents during lockdown and homeschooling have increased the role played by the team of social workers in the Company. Close to 3,700 employees attended round tables and conferences that helped them to better reconcile their personal and professional lives and provided them with practical and useful tools on a daily basis.
Some businesses focused their support on caregivers (Cardif). Germany relies on service companies offering a wide range of financial, organisational, administrative, material and psychological aspects related to parenthood. As a result, nearly 80% of the Social Reporting Headcount receive employees' childcare support, either in the form of financial assistance or in the form of childcare facilities. In addition, more than two-thirds of the Social Reporting Entities covering 40 countries grant identical parental leaves to adopting couples and to same-sex couples. Two-thirds of the Social Reporting Entities covering 46 countries encourage their employees to take their paternity leave (second parent) through communication and awareness-raising actions.
In France, the Group is delivering on its commitment under the PaQte 2021 initiative requested by the President of the French Republic and developed a strategy to make schoolchildren from designated disadvantaged urban areas more aware of the 1,500 internships that the Group offers them.
At Wealth Management, the TEKI programme actively works in favour of the intergenerational: in a short format of around twenty minutes, a junior and a senior meet and discuss. This programme is broadcast live and available on replay.
Within the SA, the new Diversity & Inclusion agreement brings to 150 the number of employees benefiting from the end-of-career corporate volunteering, while broadening the circle of partner associations (see Commitment 6, A learning company Corporate volunteering work and other Group solidarity activities).
Promoting and complying with the International Labour Organisation fundamental conventions on Human Rights
BNP Paribas does not tolerate any form of slavery or human trafficking. In its Code of conduct, the Group has, in particular, committed itself to promoting the respect for human rights in its sphere of influence and to treat in a dignified manner all employees, who owe each other mutual respect.
BNP Paribas carries out an annual review of countries that are high-risk in terms of human rights(1). The Group operates in no high-risk country, and in 28 countries in a worrying situation, representing 21% of its total headcount. In addition, the Group has a sole employee aged under 18 and over 16 (Brazil), and none under the age of 16 (see Combating social exclusion and promoting respect for human rights, Commitment 8).
(1) Source: Verisk Maplecroft (Human Rights Risk Index) identifies 23 high-risk countries and 90 "countries in a worrying situation (unchanged since 2019). Out of the 4 categories of countries identified, high-risk countries are rated between 0 and 2.5/10 whilst countries in a worrying situation are rated between 2.5 and 5/10.