2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS472
5 risks and CaPital adequaCy Pillar 3
Appendix 1: Sovereign exposures
Exposures In millions of euros
31 December 2020
Banking book(1) Trading book
of which financial assets at
amortised cost
of which financial
instruments at fair value
through equity
of which financial instruments at
fair value through profit or loss
Financial instruments at fair value through profit
or loss held for trading (excl. derivatives)
Direct exposures(3)
Indirect exposures(4)
Austria 711 306 405 - 260 30 -
Belgium 12,886 9,800 2,987 99 (381) 509 (20)
France 12,454 8,613 3,841 - (83) 28 130
Germany 7,484 5,193 2,087 203 5,290 501 2
Ireland 1,833 1,481 352 - (646) 33 -
Italy 12,341 12,339 2 - (3) 11,043 (75)
Netherlands 442 41 400 - (457) (229) -
Portugal 4,189 3,725 465 - (161) (22) (1)
Spain 12,158 10,406 1,752 - (533) - 2
Other eurozone countries 1,386 1,074 313 - (532) (532) (532)
TOTAL EUROZONE 65,882 52,976 12,604 302 2,754 11,361 (494)
Other European countries
Poland 5,502 4,479 1,023 - 164 (143) (1)
United Kingdom 6,497 4,386 2,110 - 1,069 - (72)
Other EEA countries 1,193 1,015 176 1 438 95 (1)
TOTAL OTHER EUROPE 13,191 9,881 3,309 1 1,671 (48) (74)
TOTAL EUROPE 79,073 62,857 15,913 303 4,425 11,313 (568)
United States 19,202 7,183 12,019 - 24,658 (145) (317)
Japan 60 - 60 - 13,941 143 41
Turkey 2,625 1,675 950 - 443 - 5
Other 15,963 9,277 6,686 - 11,186 (1,115) (109)
TOTAL 116,924 80,992 35,629 303 54,653 10,196 (948)
(1) Book value after revaluation and before any impairment provision. (2) Market value. (3) Sovereign counterparty risk: direct exposure to a sovereign counterparty. This excludes exposure to a non-sovereign counterparty fully or partly covered
by a sovereign counterparty. (4) Positions held with a non-sovereign counterparty, exposing BNP Paribas to a credit risk on a sovereign third party. For example, sale of a CDS to a non-
sovereign third party as a hedge against a sovereign s default. This excludes exposures to non-sovereign counterparties fully or partly covered by a sovereign government.