2020 Universal registration document and annual financial report - BNP PARIBAS348
5 risks and CaPital adequaCy Pillar 3
Credit risk
IMPAIRMENT VALUATION PROCEDURES [Audited] The Group applied the impairment procedures described below for all loans subject to impairment (see note 1.e.5 Impairment of financial assets at amortised cost and of debt instruments at market value through equity):
■ impairment valuation procedure for performing loans:
A loss allowance for loans in stage 1 or stage 2 is constituted by each operating division based on an estimation of expected credit losses. This is determined on a quarterly basis during a committee meeting attended by the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer of each operating division. Estimations of expected credit losses result from the default risk in the coming twelve months for financial instruments whose credit risk has not significantly increased since initial recognition (stage 1) or upon maturity for unimpaired loans whose credit risk has significantly increased since initial recognition (stage 2). A tool used by most of the Group s business lines enables simulations to be performed based on the parameters of the rating system described below;
■ impairment valuation procedure for defaulted exposures:
Monthly, RISK reviews corporate, bank and sovereign loans, requiring a review of their impairment, to determine the amount of any decrease in value to be recognised, either by reducing the carrying amount or by recording a provision for impairment, in accordance with applicable accounting standards (see note 1.e.5). The Group uses various methodologies (expert opinions, statistical calculations) for defaulted exposures to retail customers. These impairments are referred to as stage 3. The amount of this impairment loss is based on the present value of probable recovered net cash flows, including from the possible realisation of the collateral held.
RATING SYSTEM [Audited] Each counterparty is rated internally by the Group using uniform principles, regardless of the approach used to calculate regulatory capital requirements.
The Bank has a comprehensive internal rating system compliant with regulatory requirements regarding capital adequacy. A periodic assessment and control process has been deployed within the Bank to ensure that the system is appropriate and correctly implemented. The system was formally validated by the supervisor in December 2007 and is inspected on a regular basis.
For loans to institutions, corporates, sovereigns and specialised lendings, the system is based on three parameters: the counterparty s probability of default (PD) expressed via a rating, the Global Recovery Rate (GRR) or its complement, Loss Given Default (LGD), which depends on the structure of the transaction, and the Credit Conversion Factor (CCF) which estimates the off-balance sheet exposure at risk.
There are twelve counterparty ratings. Ten cover performing clients with credit assessments ranging from excellent to very concerning , and two relate to clients classified as in default, as per the definition by the banking supervisor.
Confirmation or amendments to the probability of default parameters and GRR applicable to each transaction are reviewed at least once a year as part of the loan approval process or annual credit review. These are based on the combined expertise of business line staff and, as a second look, the RISK representatives (who have the final say in case of disagreement). It uses appropriate tools including analysis aids and credit scoring systems. The decision to use these tools and the choice of technique depends on the nature of the risk.
For retail counterparties, the system is also based on three parameters: Probability of Default (PD), the Global Recovery Rate (GRR) and the Credit Conversion Factor (CCF). On the other hand, rating methods are applied automatically to determine the loan parameters.
Internal estimates of risk parameters are used in the Bank s day-to- day management in line with regulation recommendations. Thus apart from calculating capital requirements, they are used for example when setting delegated limits, granting new loans or reviewing existing loans to measure profitability, determine impairments and for book analyses.